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08 December 2011

Kingston HyperX Reaches DDR3-3600MHz, Sets New Memory World Record

Only a few days after Corsair announced that it achieved a new DDR3 world record with their Dominator GTX6 memory series, Kingston with the help of the guys from Lab 501 took this WR to a whole new level surpassing the previous result with a cool 133MHz data rate.

Softpedia was there during this world record attempt and we had some great time seeing how Matose from Lab 501 obliterated the previous result achieved by Corsair.

Even more impressive was that Matose surpassed the previous WR while keeping the HyperX memory at tighter timings than those used by Jake "Planet" Crimmins.

The difference isn’t huge as we are talking about CL10 vs. CL11, but as most of you probably know lowering timings while also managing to achieve high memory clocks is extremely difficult in practice.

The platform used for reaching this new world record was also based on AMD’s FX-8150 processor paired together with an Asus ROG Crosshair V Formula motherboard, a combo that seems to deliver a huge overclocking potential to enthusiasts.

The Kingston memory used was a HyperX T1 1024MB stick (the WR was achieved in single channel mode) and just like the CPU this was also cooled with liquid nitrogen.

This extreme cooling solution had to be used since the DDR3-3600 frequency required Matose to push 1.95v through the HyperX memory, while the CPU NB voltage was set at 1.625v.

Kingston HyperX and Lab501 take memory world record by reaching DDR3-3600 (1800MHz)
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Kingston HyperX and Lab501 take memory world record by reaching DDR3-3600 (1800MHz)
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Kingston HyperX and Lab501 take memory world record by reaching DDR3-3600 (1800MHz)
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Kingston HyperX and Lab501 take memory world record by reaching DDR3-3600 (1800MHz)
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As with the previous world records set by AMD's FX-8150 processor only one of the four modules present in the chip was active during these overclocking tests.

The result has been validated (available here) and also submitted to HWBot (link here).

Kingston HyperX and Lab501 take memory world record by reaching DDR3-3600 (1800MHz)
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Kingston HyperX and Lab501 take memory world record by reaching DDR3-3600 (1800MHz)
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Kingston HyperX and Lab501 take memory world record by reaching DDR3-3600 (1800MHz)
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Kingston HyperX and Lab501 take memory world record by reaching DDR3-3600 (1800MHz)
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In addition to the impressive DDR3-3600 WR, Kingston HyperX memory and the guys from Lab501 also managed to establish, during the same event, the world record for CL9 and CL8 timings by reaching 1739.8MHz and 1637.5MHz (DDR3-3479 and DDR3-3275).

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